About Your Baker

My name is Emily and I am a Mezzo-Soprano.

Sounds like the introduction for an AA meeting, right?

For those who are unfamiliar with the world of opera, the term “Mezzo-Soprano” is a label for a female voice type on the lower side of the spectrum. Many of the roles made for my voice type fall under the categories of “Witches, Bitches, or Britches” meaning we are typically playing older women, prostitutes (or something similar), or young men. Only on occasion do we have the chance to play a romantic lead, but I digress…

I have been singing for 13 years now, almost as long as I have been baking. I started out with food like many others, my mom taught me to cook and my dad taught me to make what are (in my opinion) the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. I would bake for school events and basically spent my education learning how to follow a recipe book and racking up basic kitchen skills.

In 2019, I graduated from college and was making living my dream, making my income from the five musical jobs I had at the time. I had gotten a big role in a summer program in Italy and it felt like things were really starting to take off!

And then the pandemic hit.

Like so many others in my field, my source of income completely disappeared, almost overnight. I was devastated and for the longest time I had no idea what was going to become of my career. In order to avoid the crushing depression and to keep myself busy, I started baking again.

After a LOT of trial and error, asking for input from roommates, and watching SO many online tutorials, I started seeing and tasting results I was really proud of!

A domino effect started when a friend offered to pay me to make her birthday cake. People had been telling me my stuff was good for a long time, but the thought that someone would PAY me for it?? It never even crossed my mind until then. I thought it was a phenomenon, but posting that online, the orders started tickling in, and then pouring in, and that brings us to today!

In addition to my music career now being back on track, baking has become a passion that I am able to share with the world.